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Happy Mother's Day

About Kristene

Mission and Vision:

To help the next generation be more connected and compassionate than the last.

I help thoughtful parents of young children, who want gentle parenting to work, but find themselves reverting back to yelling or time-outs...and feel guilty every time. I help them transform that guilt into calm confidence, and help them build a rock-solid relationship with their child that will last a lifetime.


  • M.A., Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

  • Master Teacher in ECSE, California Teaching Credential

  • B.A. in Theater Arts

  • Training in psychotherapy (Dramatherapy)

  • Teacher training at Mindful Schools


Kristene has more than 30 years of professional experience in a variety of settings, including:

  • early intervention/developmental specialist

  • family-centered developmental assessments

  • parent support group leader

  • intra-agency service coordinator

  • parent educator/coach

  • content creator for Parent Lab (parent education company)

  • director of education, Parent Lab

  • co-presenter IDEA Conference

  • EFL teacher Berlitz, Japan

  • guest instructor, Sugiyama University (Japan)

  • lead teacher, pre-K

  • substitute teacher, pre-K through 8th grade



1:1 for when you need a little more experience to help you find your feet again.


Let Kristene help your school, company or organization expand your knowledge on children’s behavior!

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